To God be the glory

He Is Risen

The light of the world had come, but darkness prevailed

When God gave His only Son, to be scourged and impaled

The day Christ was crucified, all hope was lost

His disciples stood mystified at the cross

The one who the Father chose, Jesus the Lamb

Would be born in a stable, in Bethlehem

To ransom Israel, from the wages of sin

And to give His life for all, then rise again

He is risen, the Lamb of God , has overcome the grave

He has conquered death and made a way for all men to be saved

He is risen, and now He sits upon His Father's throne

The angel came and rolled away the stone

Conceived in a virgin's womb to suffer and die

To be laid in a virgin tomb, O Adoni

To be scorned and ridiculed, by an ungodly race

To be wrapped in the shroud of redeeming grace

The light of the world has come, to those who can see

That Jesus was crucified, to save you and me

The blood of the Lamb of God, which was shed for our sin

Has made a way for us to rise again

He is risen, the Lamb of God , has overcome the grave

He has conquered death and made a way for all men to be saved

He is risen, and now He sits upon His Father's throne

The angel came and rolled away the stone

And so it is written, by the prophets of old

That Jesus the Saviour, is the One they foretold

Our God Emmanuel, is with us again

He is risen, He is risen, He is risen

Written by Bruce Moss

To God be the glory

Listen to "It Is Finished" first.