To God be the glory

I Believe That Jesus

I believe that Jesus, created everything

Everything we see, by saying let it be

I believe that He will recreate, the heaven and the earth

And establish His kingdom once again

I believe that Adam, was the first man in this world
Then God created Eve, and she became his girl
Who was tempted and deceived, into eating from that tree
That the LORD of life had told them not to do

I believe that Jesus, and His Father had a plan
To redeem the world from sin, before the fall of man
For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son
To make atonement for the sins of all

I believe that God has all the answers

To every question known by mortal man

And I believe that through His holy Spirit
He'll reveal the things that we don't understand

I believe that Jesus, was born in Bethlehem

In a manger He was found, there was no room in the inn

I believe He came to save us from the wages of our sin

So that we can have eternal life with Him

I believe that Jesus, healed the lame and raised the dead

Gave sight unto the blind, and forgave their sins instead

I believe He walked on water, on the sea of Galilee

And in Cana changed the water into wine

I believe that Jesus, led a pure and sinless life

In a world consumed by sin, through lawlessness and strife

In this world where Satan reigns, until Jesus comes again

To judge the world with righteousness as King

I believe that God has all the answers

To every question known by mortal man

And I believe that through His holy Spirit
He'll reveal the things that we don't understand

I believe that Jesus, was scourged and crucified

For the sins of all the world, He suffered and He died

On the cross on Calvary, He shed His blood for me

So that I can be forgiven for my sins

I believe they laid Him, in a cold and lifeless tomb

And I believe the devil thought that he had sealed His doom

But on resurrection day, the stone was rolled away

And the tomb where Jesus lay, was empty

I believe that Jesus, has risen from the grave

And by the grace of God, we can now be saved
I believe that He ascended, to His Father's throne

And He's coming soon to take His people home

I believe that God has all the answers

To every question known by mortal man

And I believe that through His holy Spirit

He'll reveal the things that we don't understand

Yes, I believe that God has all the answers

To every question known by mortal man

And I believe that through His holy Spirit

He'll reveal the things that we don't understand

He'll reveal the things that we don't understand

Written by Bruce Moss, April 9, 2023

To God be the glory